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press in the button and move the selector to those positions. the button dose not have to be pressed to move back into drive on most cars. the car dose not have to be stopped (however sifting int L at 30+ mph can damage the transmission or engine but 2 or 3 should be fine at any speed.) these are used to help maintain traction in poor weather conditions. 2 keeps the car in a lower gear to help boost torque in icy conditions or towing. L should be used on ice only if you get stuck. also you can use them to help slow the car down when going down a steep hill L is really good at this as long as it isn't icy. D is normal driving and shifts the gears in a way that saves fuel and puts less strain on the engine. 2 or on some cars H or 3 is used as a more aggressive shifting pattern to make more torque. and L keeps the car in the gear it is until it absolutely MUST shift to prevent damage. also you can use these selections if you want a small performance boost out of your car at the expense of fuel economy. from a stand still start in L and shift up to 2 or other then to the next one if there is one then ending in drive. never shift back down to L or 1 if the vehicle is traveling over 30mph this could seriously damage the car but it also may not. this in no way makes it perform like a manual tho.

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Q: How do you use D 2 and L of auto gear system?
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When should a vehicle driver will use the auto gear function 2 and L?

In poor driving condition such as snow, #2 can be useful. An example of using L would be when pulling a boat out of the water on a boat ramp.

When should a driver will use the 2?

Driver use gear 'L' or '2' when driving uphill or downhill which required higher gear ratio to move the uphill. Downhill wise, driver use '2' or 'L' for safety purpose. The low gear ratio will use the high gear ratio to slow down the speed of driving downhill and creating 'pulling' force on your car to safety purposes. Gear '2' can be use for overtaking on the highway too provided at the appropriate speed.

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gears are the important tools in automobiles and other engines, commonly gears are used in auto mobiles at two different places 1)in gear box 2)differential box

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If it is an automatic transmission it should use Dextron 2 type of transmission fluid. If it is a standard it will use a heavy gear oil. Auto parts stores should have the volume needed if you are doing a fluid change.

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You will need to use 2 auto injectors for self aid in a nerve agent emergency; they should be labelled 1 & 2. If you are administering buddy care, use up to 3 sets of auto injectors in addition to the CANA auto injector.

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To determine the speed of rotation of a gear driven by another gear, you can use the gear ratio formula: Gear Ratio = Number of Teeth on Driven Gear / Number of Teeth on Driving Gear. In this case, the gear ratio is 40/20 = 2. Since the driving gear is rotating at 10 rpm, the driven gear will rotate at 10 rpm / 2 = 5 rpm.