To unlock a bike lock with a key, simply insert the key into the lock and turn it in the direction that opens the lock. Make sure to use the correct key that matches the lock.
replace master switch for door locks
It is important to know how to open and lock the doors of an owned vehicle. There is a master lock on the driver side door, that can be used to lock and unlock all the doors.
Opposite direction of Lock.
I'm not sure which master lock you are asking about, but see related links below for methods of opening combination locks
Because they are imported cars
use a fire hyderant and bang it in a downward motion hitting the lock. do this a couple of times and it should do the trick.
To unlock a window, locate the lock mechanism and turn it in the opposite direction of the locked position. This will release the window and allow it to be opened.
Could have a sliding lock plate,slides one direction to lock ,the other to unlock
un- unlock
To open a lock with a key, insert the key into the lock and turn it in the direction that unlocks the mechanism. Make sure the key fits properly and is turned with the correct amount of pressure to successfully unlock the lock.