If its that far gone just buy a new car, that's why they call it a siezed engine cause it ain't moving you no further...
It might and I have done this, but even if it does the engine will need to be disassembled for repair, this just makes it much easier.
If you managed to seize the engine, there is no unlocking it. If it is seized severely enough, it will be impossible to even take it apart to rebuild it. If the engine has been seized (from oil starvation or severe overheating) you will need to replace the entire engine.
The engine has seized up! Pirates have seized the port!
a seized engine will not turn over. Even using a socket and ratchet on the crank bolt, the engine is not going to move. It is frozen, or seized up.
No. If it did crank over it wouldn't be seized.
When an engine is seized up, it will not turn over. The crank cannot make a rotation. Take hold of the main pulley and try to turn it. When you cannot turn the engine over, it is seized.
Piston seized to cylinder wall Broken Crankshaft
Replace the starter
If engine is truly locked up putting fresh oil in it will not work. The engine locks up because the bearings are seized on the rotating assemblies. A complete rebuild will be needed
The tuck will run forever.
Nothing, it sits there unable to do anything
No it will not run at all