The Cavalier chest is a type of hope chest that was first made in the 1940s. The best way to unlock a Cavalier chest without the key or combination is by contacting a locksmith.
It's simple! Just look for a treasure chest and unlock the chest with the key!
You don't unlock it. There's nothing in it, and you can't unlock it, anyway. If somebody does unlock it, please edit this answer. I'm curious to learn if you can unlock it.
Follow the beginners wuests then you unlock it
You right click it!
A Vault Hunter carrying a Golden Key can unlock the chest on the fast travel room on sanctuary on Borderlands 2
the snowman is in explore's camp in dizzywood. it is near the chest where it said"you need a key to unlock this chest".
The Katana can only be shown on the hayabusa chest plate.
A gentleman's chest is the same as a chifforobe, it's a combination of an armoire and a chest of drawers.
You have to download a certain package for it, and you will get Hal's equipment.
A SUCKING chest wound
You have to be an warrant officer in halo reach to unlock the helmet you also have to go to halowaypoint and unlock the armor.
A combination of breaths and chest compression cycles.