Go to Tools, then options, then look in the Advanced tab. There should be a box there that you can uncheck to turn off auto-complete.
Google doesn't allow to turn off auto complete anymore, sorry.
To turn off your autoreply, type !AUTOREPLY
no limewire is not illegal. but the things you get off it can be i have had my internet shut off for downloading copyright things on limewire
limewire is illegal no matter what. However, in most countries it is much more difficult to monitor and prosecute users who do not share their files. It would be wise to turn off the sharing mode in limewire.
Go to Tools > Internet OptionsIn the Content tab, click the AutoComplete button and disable the checkboxes.
An auto parts store can turn it off for you.
to turn off auto text on the LG banter you have to change Word toAbcin the bottum left corner when you are texting
turn it off auto caps..
Follow these steps: 1. Go into the menu "Settings" 2. Then "General" 3. From there you go into the menu "Keyboard" 4. Turn Auto-Correction On/Off :o) Above answer is for autocorrect to turn autofill on or off on iPhone go to General/settings/safari
No, in order to dowload the music from Limewire, you have to download it.
Limewire itself is legal, but downloading music off it for free is not.