You buy the correct crankshaft, rods, and pistons and install them in your block.
If you wanted to put a 3.75" stroker crankshaft with a with a 0.05" offset grind into a Ford engine with a 4" bore (such as a Windsor 351) you could make a 383ci Ford stroker. But as for making the traditional Chevy stroker engine, you can't turn a Ford engine into a Chevy engine.
To tell if your engine is a 2 bolt main or a 4 bolt main. Turn the engine upside down on an engine stand. Next, count the number of bolts on each main bearing cap. if there are two, then its a 2 bolt main. And if there are4, then its a 4 bolt main. This applies to the three center caps. The front and rear are always 2 bolt.
lefty losey....righty tighty (so turn it left)
The 2001 Chevy Cavalier parking brake has an adjustment bolt on the parking brake assembly. Turn the adjustment bolt to loosen or tighten the parking brake.
Righty tighty, lefty loosey.
Beacuse the bolt on the tires are loose/..
That requires a timing light, you loosen a bolt on the distributor and turn it a little until the marks on the main pulley match a notch that you aim the timing light at.
the is a bolt right behind the transmisson that you turn
There is a big bolt that is inside of the bottom pulley on the front of the engine, It is the bolt that holds the balancer on . Get a socket that fits that bolt and then turn the engine with that and that will rotate the fly-wheel.
The crankshaft spins counter-clockwise on a 1997 Honda. To remove the bolt for the main pulley spin the bolt clockwise.
yes with link provided it is explained that with machining it can be done but you need to check with the shop if they can machine the block to accept the splayed or angled bolts
It turns to the left.