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in car paint the water particles are in abundance compared to in marker pen ink they water molecules lack. the dehydration synthesis occurring throughout the paint makes the strength of the hydrogen bonds in particles much stronger in car paint.

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Q: How do you think the strength of forces between particles compares in car paint and marker pen ink?
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Are particles stronger when closer?

Particles are neither strong nor weak. The forces between particles may be strong or weak. In this case, the strength (or magnitude) of the force depends on the specific situation. In the case of electrical forces, the force between particles gets stronger when the particles are close together. On the other hand, the "strong force" between bound quarks is independent of the distance.

What are forces between particles?

There are four fundamental forces in nature, the strong, electromagnetic, the weak and gravitational. All forces between particles can be traced back to these.

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At room temperature, the greatest attractive forces exist between particles of

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What does forces between particles mean?

It means when their are movement between the particles like vibration in a solid.

Do forces between particles in a solid keep them from position?

Yes.. The forces of attraction

What happens to the particles in a solid when it dissolved?

The particles in the solid (solute) break apart and form links with the particles in the liquid (solvent). There are strong forces of attraction between the molecules and particles inside the solute. These forces keep the particles together and make the solute a solid because they attract the solute particles tightly together. There are also strong forces of attraction between the molecules and particles inside the solvent. These forces keep the particles together and make the solvent a liquid because they attract the solvent particles slightly together. There is also an attractive force between the solute and solvent particles. To break these forces and from a bond between the solute and solvent particles energy is needed. This energy is gained from heat (the process of dissolving is speeded up through heat.) In conclusion, the particles in a solute break apart of their attractive forces and form bonds with the solvent particles through the attraction between the solute and solvent particles and through the energy gained by heat.

Which type of substance is most likely to experience an attraction between its particles?

All substances experience attraction between their particles. These vary in type and strength. If there were no forces they would never form liquids or solids. You could say that the strongest bonds are in the substances with the highest melting points.

How does particle speed relate to the distance between particles?

Attractive forces pull particles together.

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Is it true that their are no pulling forces between the particles in a gas?

No it is not true