If it's an original engine, call a GM dealership and give them the VIN number.
10 qts
It varies by engine size, transmission and rear end gearing. You would have to be more specific about your truck.
That All depends on the motor and rear-end and if it is a 4x4 and ext cab or not . It should tell you in the glove box.
35 - 177 psi
There are no current recalls on that model of truck. You can check with your dealer for an updated list of recalls.
1987 Sierra classic 2500 GMC Removing spare tire and assembly
1965 GMC 2500 truck rear view mirror
You did not say what the year of the 2500 was. Need to know.
under the drivers seat area of truck inside the frame
It's worth about $13,000. See quotes at http://www.edmunds.com/gmc/sierra2500hd/2006/index.html
235 Cubic Inch Inline 6.