if the started doesnt do anything its the solenoid if it just clicks and spins its the bendix
it is attached to the stater
not turning on could be flat battery, bad igniton switch, bad safety switch, bad starter motor,bad stater solenoid
You have to replace the whole starter.
it is located on the side of the stater it will come when you remove the starter
No, has a starter solenoid mouted on the starter which serves a similar purpose.
Only by knowing beforehand its internal resistance, is possible to tell if it is bad, by measuring its resistance (DC current). If it dropped to a lower resistance it is short-circuited, and so it's bad. If the solenoid doesn't attract or attract with less power it is also a sign that it is bad.
Could be defective stater solenoid that is not releasing
selonoid is bad on fire wall or switch wire on stater selonoid is bad
if your standing above the solenoid the wire to the stater goes on the left all other wires go on the right
It does not have a starter relay. It has a starter solenoid mouted on the starter which serves a similar purpose.
Put a stethoscope or a plastic tube onto the solenoid, listen at it while a friend turns the starter. If solenoid clicks it is good. -Problem then is low battery or dud starter.
A bad transmission solenoid will cause hard shifting and can eventually damage the unit. You should change the solenoid if it is bad.