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If vehicle is equipped with a mechanical fan, take off the four bolts that attach fan to water pump pulley.

Turn bolt on belt tensioner (circle pulley center front, pull anti clockwise), believe its 19mm. Remove serpentine belt, let tensioner down, careful not to bash knuckles!

The pulley on the water pump should just pull off. now you can get at the lower radiator hose, undo screw on clamp, slide hose clamp down radiator hose so you don't loose it.

Now you are ready to take off water pump. Take 1/2 drive socket and undo 4 bolts holding water pump to front of engine (2 on each side).

You might want to put a bucket under your engine or a pan to catch the coolant.

Pull off water pump once bolts are removed.

On the underside of the water pump, there are 4 more bolts with a cylindrical steel base.

Take out these bolts and your water pump is now apart.

Before you put water pump back on, you will want to clean the ports on the engine where the water pump bolts on; clean it with scraper. Make sure everything is nice and clean, dirt is an enemy to an engine. Follow serpentine install procedure picture on fan shroud on center front.

A water pump rebuild kit is available from Napa for about $30 but I bought a brand new one for $70 from Napa.

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