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Depending on the year, make, and model of the car...but generally, you have to remove the inside door panel and there is usually some form of linkage attached to the lock, and a clip of some sort securing the lock cylinder to the inside of the door.

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Q: How do you take a lock off a car door?
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take off door panel, remove window, remove window sash, unlatch the lock, take the catch pin off, slide out.

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It has a retainer on the inside of the door. Take the door panel off.

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Your gonna have to call a tow truck or insurance company to get you in the car. You will have to have to replace the whole lock mechanism.

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you have to dis-engage the passangers door lock with car off.

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Is it difficult to take apart the door lock on a Ford Mustang?

What Year? The fox body mustang locks are easy to change. Take the interior door panel off and on the back side of the lock you have to disconect the linkage from it. Then there is a clip holding it to the door. Just pull that clip off and the lock will pull straight out.

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There is a sensor (usually located on the inside of the door frame) that needs to be pressed in to let the car know that the door is closed. Try pressing and holding the door shut to see if the dome light turns off. If it does and you let go of the door, then the button is not being engaged. Maybe it is stuck. Use some WD-40 on it. As for the stuck door, take off the door panel and spray WD-40 on it to make it easier on the door lock mechanism to operate.

2000 venture van passenger door will not open?

If the lock switch is set to unlocked and it will not open from the inside or outside, the door lock arm may have fallen lose. Take the inside door panel off and check around the door levers and door lock.

My Keys wont unlock my cardoor but will lock it It will turn to lock the door but not unlock it?

try turning the key over It could just be that the arm for the lock inside the door has come off, you will need a new retaining clip before you take the door panel off to repair it.

How do you remove the door lock actuator from a 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII?

first take the door panel off then with the door open lock and unlock the car you"ll see the actuator it could have a 10 ml bolts or can have rivets on it (-) if it does have rivets first push the center piece of the rivet off with an screw driver then with a flat screw driver and hammer brake the rivet off.