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You simply get up to speed where rpm's are getting high then you let of the throttle pull in the clutch and use the shiftier on the bottom of the bike. (All at the same time.)

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Q: How do you switch gears on a dirt bike?
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How do you switch gears on a bike?

To switch gears on a bike, you use the gear shifters located on the handlebars. Pushing the shifter in one direction makes the gears harder to pedal, while pushing it in the other direction makes them easier. This allows you to adjust the resistance and speed of your bike.

How do you install a key switch to your dirt bike?

No matter what dirt bike you are riding you will want to install the switch via the ignition coil. Obviously based on the dirt bike you will need to find a convenient place for the key switch but make sure you run it through the ignition coil. Especially if you have both a electric and kick start on your dirt bike.

Howcome my dirt bike is powerless in all its gears?

maybe its broke. smart guy

Why are the gears stuck on my bike and how can I fix this issue?

The gears on your bike may be stuck due to dirt or misalignment. To fix this issue, try cleaning the gears and lubricating them. If that doesn't work, you may need to adjust the gear cables or take your bike to a professional for repair.

Where do you get a slower bike in pokemond diamond?

you don't..... you press B to switch gears

What machines have gear wheels?

A Gear bycicle uses gears to change its power

How do you do gears on a 125cc dirt bike?

far as I know it has 5 gears (1 N 2 3 4 5) and uses a manual clutch