Backfiring is caused by incorrect timing, or plug wires installed incorrectly which messes up the firing order. Make sure your plug wires are installed correctly. Can also be caused by an overly rich fuel air mixture.
Rev the engine six or seven times before coming to a complete stop. Rev it all the way to the edge every time you stop.
More than likely you have a exhaust leak.Check the headpipe seal
NO, but a good tuneup will probably cure your problems. There is no cure in a can for the symptoms you list.
The best answer for this is: Get a tune-up.
if it only backfires when shutting off, usually this means its getting to much gas!! if it backfires will running adjust carburater.
The Vehicle shakes because of the virbration produced by the engine at the stop sing
If it is backfiring the timing is set incorrectly or the spark plug wires are not connected in the correct order.
Do a proper diagnosis to figure out the cause of the misfire, then repair it.
Back fire can be caused by improper ignition or the wrong fuel air mixture. With the engine off remove the air cleaner and look below it. If there is fuel in the pipe then the carburetor is not stopping the flow of fuel and it needs a rebuild.
If the check engine light does not come on when your truck dies it's probably the idle air control valve
Your truck engine sputters probably because your truck's idle is too low.
most in 75, some in 74