The PGCS1PJYSS GE is one of the bottom-freezer refrigerators that they make.
The General Electric Model FUF14DTRWH model freezer is rated by its manufacturer as having 13.7 cubic feet of space.
Most refrigerators have a thermostat to control the temperature over all and another control which regulates the flow of cold air from the freezer to the fridge. This is usually a dial in the freezer.
The usual temperature in a freezer is at or below 32 degrees. Most home freezers are set at 28 degrees. This will put the food temperature at about the same as the freezer temperature.
Not a good idea. The heat from the freezer motor will rise up, and you won't be able to control the temperature. Plus it's a safety hazard.
General Electric have energy efficient models that you can purchase for just a fraction more in price.
To calculate the correction factor for a freezer, you need to compare the setpoint temperature of the freezer to the actual temperature inside. The correction factor is the difference between the setpoint and actual temperature. Adjust the setpoint temperature by this correction factor to ensure the freezer maintains the desired temperature consistently.
To predict the temperature of the air in a balloon after being in a freezer for 10 seconds, you need to consider the heat transfer between the air in the balloon and the freezer. Calculate the new temperature using the ideal gas law, taking into account the initial volume and temperature of the air inside the balloon and the temperature of the freezer after 10 seconds. Ensure to consider any changes in volume due to temperature changes.
Freezer trucks maintain a low temperature by being very well insulated. Freezer trucks use the same concept as a stationary freezer to work but they are specially designed to move about.
under 25F
That is an incorrect question. A deep Freezer is not meant for pullinf down the temperature. Its meant to maintain the temperature.
it will assume the same temp at which the freezer is set.