yes, most cars 1995 and newer either has a fine screen mesh or a srping in the filler tube that prevents someone from sticking a hose down into the tank.
On newer cars it is a copy on the top of the engine marked "OIL".
full rub down means to have sex and be rubbed. so yes
No, look on cylinder with jack up.
You rub his belly, but obviously not too far down.
you rub her down good
possibly the dipstick tube. most cars are that way =O) good luck
rub it down with toothpaste and then as it is drying rub away the access with a tissue and the toothpaste will fill the gaps
cars slow down because of friction and when you push the brake pedal you automatically slow down
Rub your arm softly. from up to down. and then down to up.
It doesnt have one like many cars and trucks. Its a completely sealed transmission.