cars i've had that do the 'check gas cap' thing reset automatically after the car is driven and shut down several times. if you drive every day, it should reset in a few days.
Turn it clockwise until it clicks.
Verify that the cap is tight. Drive for a couple of days, and if the light is still on, you have a vapor leak in the fuel system and will need service.Verify that the cap is tight. Drive for a couple of days, and if the light is still on, you have a vapor leak in the fuel system and will need service.
A 2005 Chrysler Sebring does not have a distributor.
Tighten the cap until you hear it click 3 times. If the light does not go off after awhile replace the gas cap with a new one.
That is GAS CAP. The computer has detected a large vapor leak from the fuel tank and wants you to make sure the gas cap is installed properly. If it was loose it will take a week or two for the message to go away with out having a scan tool to reset it.That is GAS CAP. The computer has detected a large vapor leak from the fuel tank and wants you to make sure the gas cap is installed properly. If it was loose it will take a week or two for the message to go away with out having a scan tool to reset it.
The ignition coil is inside the distributor behind the cap. Remove the distributor cap screws, remove the cap and you will see the coil.
The 2.5L does. Other engines do not.
The ignition coil is inside the distributor behind the cap. Remove the distributor cap screws, remove the cap and you will see the coil
you have 2of the plug wires on the wrong plugs or distributor cap
If it was actually caused by a loose cap, it will reset itself in a few days.
there isn't a traditional ignition coil on this vehicle, it is part of the distributor cap, and cannot be replaced as a separate part. on my 97 sebring 2.5L it cost around 350 dollars for the cap and coil a few years ago.
On a 2008 Ford Explorer you can have a fuel cap or the EASY FUEL system that doesn't have a fuel cap