team player
detail oriented
focused on the job at hand
expand knowledge of job
Shalom is the reply to shalom.
Reply is a verb (reply, replies, replied, replying).
I will reply to you. or I will reply you soon. Which sentence is right?
When you 'reply', the reply is only sent to the person who wrote the mail. When you 'reply to all' the reply is sent to the person who wrote the mail + everyone who received the mail.
reply means to answer back.
Both are terms, but for different aspects of a reply. You would decide what form and language to use "for the reply to Anne." If you were describing the contents of the reply, not the form, you would say that a word or phrase was "in the reply to Anne."
You can reply to a post on Tumblr using the small speech bubble at the bottom of the post. Not all posts allow you to reply.
Please reply to our invitation by September, 1, 2012. He raised his hand to reply to the teacher's question.
The correct plural is replies.The spelling reply's would indicate either1) a possessive form (Your reply's tone seemed hostile, meaning the tone of the reply) or2) a contraction (My reply's in the mail, meaning the reply is in the mail).
The past tense of "reply" is "replied".
What is the "Business Reply Service"?Business reply letters are unstamped business reply envelopes, postcards, questionnaires, blank reply cards, and reply labels inserted or published in newspapers or magazines, for which the sender pays the postage upon receiving them.
"To reply" in Spanish is "responder" or "contestar". The noun "a reply" is "una respuesta" or "una contestación".