Remove the two screws in the lens. You can remove the entire assembly once you do this.
Remove the two screws holding the third brake light lens on then remove the lens, it may be stuck but it will pop off. Replace the two bulbs in there by pulling them straight out.
You didn't mention what year the S10 is but, you can probably remove the 2 small screws that hold the lens to the housing and you will have access to the bulbs.
a blown bulb or loose wire.
Remove the two screws holding in the lense, remove the lense, remove the bulb(s).
Defective or misadjusted, brake light switch.
The brake light switch located above the brake pedal is broken or out of adjustment.
where is the drake light switch on a 1999 chevy s10. The brake light switch is located just above the brake pedal. You will need a flashlight to see it.
The brake light switch is either broken or out of adjustment. The switch is located above the brake pedal.
The brake indicator light is for the EMERGENCY break, release this break.
Brake light switch out of adjustment or defective
Above the brake pedal where the master cylinder is attached to the brake pedal assembly.