You cannot remove the moisture for the long term as the sealed beam seal has failed and moisture will continue to appear later. Usually a heat gun could be used to heat up the glass, careful not to melt any nearby plastic parts. Best bet is to replace the headlight.
To clean the inside headlight lens on a ford ranger just simply remove the cap and clean.
The AC runs to remove moisture from the air inside your vehicle. Moisture causes the fog inside of your windows. The ac runs to remove the moisture and the heater runs to heat the air.
Raise the hood. Remove the whole headlight unit. Nuts are reachable from inside. Not too difficult pc
You can try removing the headlight bulbs and use a blow dryer to blow in the hole where the bulb was to remove the moisture. More than likely it will just come back as you either have a leak or the seals for the bulbs is not sealing properly. The car is 15 years old so it may be time to buy some new headlight assemblies especially if they are cloudy.
If you have composite headlights, you can remove the bulb, remove the headlight assembly, use some headlight lens cleaner, rinse it out, and let it dry. If you have sealed beam headlights, you can only change out the assembly or clean the lenses only on the outside.
To remove the headlight housing (question is kind of vague, I have to assume this is what is being asked): Open hood & remove center grill. There are two bolts on each headlight housing on the inside, you will find them just behind where the grill was. Remove the two on the headlight housing you are trying to remove. Remove side marker light on the side you are removing the headlight from. You will find two nuts holding the headlight housing to the frame, remove them. Housing is now unbolted and can be slid out/off of the car.
The headlight on your 2008 Hyundai can be removed by removing the headlight retaining bolts from the inside of the engine compartment. Remove the wiring harness and replace with a new headlight.
remove the moisture from inside the walls and floor.
With the hood open, remove the plastic cover the exposes the inside of the headlight. There are 3 clips to remove from the inside, plus the wire harness. The headlight just comes out from the out side then. You might have to replace some of the clips, only found at Ford, and about 7 bucks ea.
The same way you clean the outside. Tip: Remove the headlight first to get access to the inside. Pretty simple, should only take 2 or 3 beers.