How do you replace the heater blower motor resistor on a 1998 gmc serria 1500 p/u
drain coolant, disconect heater hose's, remove glove box, remove heater core cover, remove heater core. reverse order to reinstall.
-remove front seats-remove steering column-remove entire dash-remove heater hoses from engine side of firewall/bulkhead-remove A/C hoses from engine side of firewall/bulkhead-remove nuts holding heater / A/C box (on engine side of firewall/bulkhead)-remove heater / A/C box from cab side of firewall/bulkhead-remove top of heater / A/C box.-replace heater core
in the heater box behind the dash on the passenger side of the truck you have to remove the dash to get to it
On '94 its behind motor under dash on passenger side Passenger side on the bottom of the heater box. You will see a plug with 5 wires on it. Thats the resistor remove the two screws that secure to the heater box and remove it.
remove Radio ,remove lower dash panel complete with glove box. remove heater box.
you must remove the dash it's in the heater box
Remove the passenger side fender and wheel well. Remove the blower motor wire. Remove the heater hoses. remove the nuts holding the heater box to the firewall. Remove the heater box from the firewall take out the heater core revese this process to replace all removed parts.
The heater core is located behind the glove box .. the best way to acess the heater core is to remove glove box cup holder ash tray remove radio and slowly remove dash you might be able to fenagle the heater core out with tilting the dash down but u have to drop the steering colum for that.. remove the two hoses at the firewall.. removethe screw holding both the hoses down and pull the heater core straight up
remove glove box. remove platic cover behind glove box under hood remove both heater hoses at firewall under dash remove retaining screws on heater core remove heater core reinstall is exact opposite of removal
Under the passenger side dashboard. Remove the black kick panel to expose the bottom of the heater box. Look for an oblong plug facing the rear of the vehicle.
To remove the heater core on a 1992 Grand Marquis, first remove the dash board. Then remove the AC box to have access to the heater core.
no year? wow top of heater box. on 96 , remove glove box door.