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Governors have not been used on cars for over 10 years. Most vehicle speeds are controlled by the ECU.

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Q: How do you remove a governor from a car?
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You can't take off the "governor" on any computerized car.

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you have to reprogram the computer to get rid of the governor, call summit racing to see if they make a program for your car.

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You need to reprogram the car's main computer. It is not something mechanical that you can remove.

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There is no governor to remove. Speed is controlled by the ECU.There is no governor to remove. Speed is controlled by the ECU.

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just for the heads up in that car the governor is inside the ecm-pcm no way to remove with out converting to obd1 and performance ecu

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There is no speed governer, the car's powertrain control module is responsible for not only governing the speed, but making the car work.

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It has no governor, that you can remove. you can get your computer reprogramed

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Most tuners/programmers will remove the governor.

How do you remove the governor on a Mitsubishi eclipse?

A person can remove the ECU of the car and remove the resistor clips to help the car make the change. However, it is suggested to take the ECU to an automotive shop and have it flashed and changed over, to make sure it is done correctly.Ê

How do you remove a governor from a 2000 Chevy Malibu?

Get a computer, and reprogram your car's computer. The main computer regulates the speed, sorry.

How do you remove a governor on a 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GT?

The governor is in the pcm of the car. You can buy or borrow a powertuner to hook up to it and remove the governor (and to do other things). Or you can buy a "canned" or "tuned" pcm from different places ( and to name two) wich have the most popular features already built in, including the governor being removed.

How do you remove governor from 1996 Honda accord?

There is no governor to remove. Speed is controlled by the ECU (computer).