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Q: How do you remove Trojan horse generic 14AVHL?
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How do you remove generic Trojan horse 16?

Try to get a Tend Micro free download. It's a great antivirus program.

How do you remove the Trojan horse BackDoor generic 13 BPA if your AVG Resident Shield says it cannot be deleted or removed?

I had a Trojan Backdoor, and I removed it with Malwarebytes' AntiMalware.

What is Trojan horse generic 18hij?

It's a virus! (:

How do you Remove Trojan Horse backdoor. generic.3YHC when AVg detects but it can not be removed due to this my document file is converted to scr file?

Contact AVG.

What will remove Trojan horse generic 18 BDSZ?

Use rkill.exe, then run any anti-virus tool - also check your internet proxy advanced settings.

What does the Trojan Horse Generic do?

Any kind of Trojan horse is very bad. Most Trojan viruses will take data from your computer, and send it to hackers. Eventually you can have a large problem if you do not get rid of it because people can inject viruses with it.

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Why will avg not remove Trojan horse generic and how can it be removed?

AnswerMy AVG found Trojan Horse Dropper Generic, informed me and put it into the Virus Vault. (AVG said that it had 'healed' the virus ... oh yeah ?)I went into Virus Vault and manually deleted it by just using the 'Delete' button.Problem solved ... I think. So far, so good.- but the moment you run the scan, it will appear again.

How do you remove Trojan horse BackDoor.Generic8.DHX?

By AVG virusscanner.

How do you remove Trojan Horse Downloader.Agent.6.0 if AVG cannot remove it?

format your machine

How do you remove Trojan horse downloader delf tr?

Your "up to date" antivirus will remove it.

How do you fix a Trojan Horse Generic 13.alpb on the taskmgrexe?

send it into maple tronics or you nearest computer store