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by using the meta tag <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5(duration in sec)">

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Q: How do you refresh a jsp page automatically?
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How do you refresh a JSP page?

by using the meta tag &lt;meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5(duration in sec)"&gt;

How can you make a webpage automatically redirect?

Using a Meta Refresh. Place this on your page.

Does Gmail automatically add new emails to the inbox or do you have to refresh the page?

It automatically adds new Emails to inbox. You do not have to refresh every time to do that. Whenever a mail comes, it is reflected in your inbox.

What is the definition of a meta refresh?

A meta refresh is something coded into the html of a website. It forces the current web page to automatically refresh after a given amount of time as specified in the code.

Can I prevent the creation of a session in a JSP page?

Yes you can. Use the below line in your JSP page to accomplish it. &lt;%@ page session="false" %&gt;

What are the Implicit object in JSP?

The implicit objects in a JSP page are:requestresponsepageContextsessionapplicationoutconfigpage

What are the JSP lifecycle methods?

The 3 life cycle methods in a JSP page are:jspInit() - Called when the JSP page is initializedjspService() - Called everytime a request/response is received/submittedjspDestroy() - Called when the JSP is no longer required

How do you you refresh your Instagram page?

you cant in the main part when you are looking at your profile, but you can refresh pictures by clicking on them and you can refresh your newsfeed

When you forward a JSP page which built-in JSP object goes out of scope?


Is it possible to include a doc file in a JSP page?

Yes. You can embed spreadsheets, pdfs and word documents in a JSP Page

How you stop a page to refresh in ASPNet?

You can use ajax to prevent refresh the page

How can you compile the jsp file?

JSP file would be automatically compiled by an engine called Jasper in the servelt containter.