Assuming you're referring to the engine ECU, there isn't one from Kenworth - it'll be from whichever manufacturer made the engine, which, for that model year, will either be Cummins or Caterpillar. Disconnect the batteries for 10 - 15 minutes, then reconnect them.
what is a code 13 on a 2007 kenworth
You can get and owners manual for your 2007 Kenworth semi tractor engine at your local Kenworth dealership. The engine manuals can also be found online.
coil or icu
Front right of the engine.
It'll be in the vicinity of 11 gallons.
Kenworth was created in 1923.
ICU -- Intensive Care Unit
They typically just use ATF... Dextron III is what we use.
Kenworth, without a doubt.
ICU Medical was created in 1984.
Doug Siefkes has written: 'Kenworth' -- subject(s): History, Kenworth Truck Company, Kenworth trucks
Need to know the engine. The multiplexing varies between engine models.