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Q: How do you reattach a spring governor on a lawn tractor?
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Lawn Tractor?

form_title= Lawn Tractor form_header= Make lawn maintenance easy with a lawn tractor. Do you want to include a clipping bag?*= () Yes () No What is the square footage of your lawn?*= _ [50] Do you want a new or used tractor?*= () New () Used

How do you take off a governor?

Unless you have an old farm tractor or lawn mower the rev-limiter or governor on todays cars are operated electronically by the PCM (Powertrain Control Module).

What causes a lawn mower engine to rev up and down with out moving the throttle setting?

The governor spring adjustments

What is the ideal voltage for a lawn tractor battery?

The ideal voltage for a lawn tractor battery is typically 12 volts.

Governor spring missing on Briggs 6.0 eng how does it connect to the lawn mower?

spring missing on lawn mower not sure where to install the grovernor spring to. put new carburetor on runs wide open was told needed a spring When you removed the other carburetor, you should have also removed 2 cables and the governor spring. One of the cables connects to the choke and the other to the throttle. The governor spring connects from the governor to the free-moving lever on the throttle. Kinda hard to describe without pictures - I suggest going to your local public library and checking out a manual on small engine repair (with luck, they will have a manual for your particular application). At any rate, it's not just ANY governor spring, but the spring designed for your application. Hopefully you didn't lose the old governor spring and you can re-use it if it wasn't damaged or stretched when it was removed.

Where is the governor on the lawn mower?

To remove the governor, take off the intake and you should find the carberator and the GOVERNER it should have 3 or 4 bolts on it. Unbolt the Governer and take it off then reattach everything.You should feel improved power gain immediately.

Can a commercial tractor mow my lawn?

Yes, if you have the right mowing equipment. However, a small lawn does not need a commercial tractor.

Do you need a licence to drive lawn tractor in wales?

Your licence must include category K in order to drive a lawn tractor on the road. You do not need a licence to operate a lawn tractor on private land with no public access.

Belt diagram for a huskee 46 24hp lawn tractor?

Is there a diagram for belt replacement on a 46" 24h.p. Huskee lawn tractor

Where can you go to see exploded diagrams of lawn tractor parts?

Try contacting the maker of your lawn tractor and see if they offer a service manual.

What are some safety features on new ride-on lawn tractor models?

The new ride-on lawn tractor models will stop when it overheats or when the electricity is not constant. You can read more at One of the best features on ride-on lawn tractors is a adjustable lever for the blade. However you will have to turn off the tractor in order to lower the blade in order to avoid stalling of the lawn tractor.