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I would recommend on this one to get a accident attorney.

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Q: How do you prosceed a claim if the at fault driver doesn't cooperate?
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How can I handle a situation where the other driver refuses to cooperate with the insurance company?

If the other driver refuses to cooperate with the insurance company, you can gather as much evidence as possible, such as photos, witness statements, and police reports, to support your claim. You can also consult with a legal professional for guidance on how to proceed with the insurance claim or consider filing a lawsuit against the other driver if necessary.

You were rearended by a drunk driver who happens to be insured by the same company as you Should you cooperate with the insurance company?

Of course you need to cooperate. Any time an Insurance co. has a claim, they have to investigate it and determine who's liable. Cooperating is in your best interest. Tha fact the you and the other driver are insured by the same company has nothing to do with the claim itself.

How can I file a successful third party car accident claim?

To file a successful third party car accident claim, gather evidence such as photos, witness statements, and police reports. Contact the at-fault driver's insurance company to file a claim. Provide all necessary documentation and cooperate with the insurance company's investigation. Consider seeking legal advice if needed.

Can a driver with no insurance clain of your insurance?

Sorry, the driver with no insurance can claim of your insurance. He/she has no legal right to lodge such unauthorised claim.

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What do you do if your car is hit by a car reversing and you have no insurance and the other party's insurance is refusing to cooperate?

how are they refusing to cooperate? have you filed a claim with the company? NOT the agent? contact the company's main head quarters and file a claim.......just because you are uninsured doesn't mean that they cannot ''make you whole'' once an insured has caused a loss......

In ma can a non insured driver file a claim against an insured driver?


Will insurance cover if borrower doesnt have a drvers license?

If you are listed as a covered driver on the Insurance Policy then yes they will pay the claim whether you are licensed or not. Most Insurers will not offer you an auto insurance policy to begin with if you are not licensed but some will.

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You do have to cooperate in filing a claim by providing certain basic information.

If you are the registered owner of a car and living abroad but your car is insured in the states if a driver on your insurance has an accident can they file a claim or can you file from abroad?

If a person is listed as a driver on someones insurance they can file a claim themselves. The person living abroad can also initiate a claim on behalf of the driver if they wish too.

You filed an insurance claim with Allstate their driver hit your vehicle however Allstate claims that they can not find the driver to dispute the claim?

You still could pursued the claim under the vehicle. If the vehicle that hit your is being insured by Allstate Insurance, you should be able to set up the claim under that vehicle. Allstate might try to denied your claim based on unscheduled driver but they might get your car fixed with no question ask if you have a police/accident report.

If you are a victim of hit-and-run accident caused by a rental car driver can you claim the damages from this rental car company directly?

You can only claim against the rental company if the driver took out their insurance. If he has his own separate insurance, that is where you need to make the claim.