if you have a rear sliding window use a table knife to jimmy the catch and if you're to big insert a kid
your fuse box for a 1992 Chevy caprice, is in the drivers side panel when you open up the door. it is next to the door/window defroster.
If you open the drivers door you will see a sticker there somewhere. It will be written on that sticker.
As you open the drivers door there is a panel marked fuses. It is labeled in there.
door open from inside or outside
when you open the driver door, you can get to it from the side of the dash. you can only open it when the door is open
with the door handle !!!!
Stuck how? Lock? Door?
Open the drivers door and look at the sticker thats on it and I think it is written on it. Are you can read the side of the tire.
You have to take the door panel off and check the latch attachment, go to any auto parts store to show step by step instructions.
how do you get the door open
inside the drivers side door, you will see a fuse panel door when you open the car door on the side of the dash. they're labelled, i believe it pwr wnd but test them all.