To manually open the rear hatch of a 2002 beetle can be hard depending on weather the hatch is closed or open. If needing to manually open a hatch you will have to take the plastic cover from the inside of the hatch then push the latch open.
how do i get the hatch open on a 2002 aztec manualy
can you manually open front trunk on a 2002 boxster?
You open the back hatch door and pull the panel away from the latch and push down on the lever to the lock the lock will then pop open and you can shut the hatch
ating: 3.9 - ‎27 reviews Qty(2) BOXI Hatchback Lift Supports for VW Beetle 2012 To 2014 Hatch Supports Struts… ... I anticipated that they would open the rear hatch by fully extending.
I have to pull a fuse to get mine to work and then replace it. It only works once, so every time I want in the hatch, I have to open the hood, open the fuse box, remove and then replace the fuse. I can then open the hatch once.
you need to crawl in the back of the trunk, where the latch is for the trunk, next to it on left side there is a cable that you can pull to manually relese the trunk/hatch.
By the light in the trunk of the car there is a hand sized panel. Inside there is a cable with some foam around it. Pull the cable and the door should pop open.
The rear hatch is unlocked with the same switches as the other doors. It is then only opened with the outside handle.
do you not have a key to open the door? if you do, use it to open the trunk and climb through to open the door manually
You have to open the rear hatch like you would to replace the reg. brake lights. Screws should be accessible once hatch is fully open.
The rear hatch stuck on my 2002 Vue and would not open with the remote. I opened it with the key and then sprayed it with WD-40. I haven't had any trouble since. Malcolm moose
If the handle is broken, then you'll have to manually open it. If the locking mechanism is frozen, you will have to manually open it. Generally that means pulling the back panel off and pulling the latch cables by hand. Sequoia forums have detailed information on how to remove the rear panel - fairly simple.