Through the hole near the center of the rear bumper with a 3/8 3foot long extension 3/8 ratchet.
Dont buy a ford
A spare tire on a 2002 Ford Ranger can be found on the underside of the rear of the truck. The tire can be removed with a ratchet.
right in the center of the rear bumper there should be a hole. you have raise the tailgate to see it. get the tool (its a bar about 3' long with a crank on the end)from under the rear seats and slide it into the hole until it locks into the spare tire carrier. you turn it counterclockwise to lower the tire.
To get the spare tire off a 2002 Nissan Pathfinder you should insert the long rod into the hole in the trunk. Push the long rod down and turn it. Once it catches you can lower the tire down. The rod and tools that you need are under the back seat of your vehicle.
The cannister on my 2002 F150 is located just inboard of the spare tire. If you lower the spare tire it will be easier to access. The EVAP solenoid is also located on top of the cannister. Have fun and don't work to hard. Richard Petty.
To lower the spare tire you need to some tools and a jack. There is a cable winch holding the spare in place, so you will have to loosen it using your tools.
If equipped with spare tire lock, attach key to crank. Open rear cargo doors. If a cover plate covers the hold for the spare tire winch, remove the cover plate. Insert crank into hole until it engages the winch, then turn counterclockwise. If it won't turn: The winch is broken (usually caused by corrosion.) Cut the cable holding the spare tire up to get the tire out of the way, then install a new spare tire winch.
The jack and spare tire for a 2002 dodge neon is located in the trunk, under the trunk mat. The jack is located with the spare tire.
can I move my spare tire thats on the back of 1998 pathfinder to under the vehicle
is it regular size
A tire jack & iron (wrench) should be tucked in the rear compartment (cargo area); pull the rubber plug off the spare tire eyelet; simply fit the elongated tire iron (wrench) to the spare tire eyelet located in the floor; fit the jack on the tire iron and turn counter-clockwise; the tire will begin to lower.
The spare tire on a 2002 Chevy Venture is located under the vehicle, ahead of the rear bumper. You must attach a folding wrench to the extension and insert a chisel through a hole in the rear bumper and into the hoist shaft. When you turn the folding wrench counterclockwise, the tire will lower. Keep turning until the tire is low enough to pull out from under the vehicle.