A car doesn't have a serial number. It's called a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and you'll find it in one, or more, of three places. Under the windshield on the driver's side (attached to the dashboard), inside the doorjam on the driver's side or attached to the engine block (if it's the original engine). It will have mostly numbers and a few letters.
Check with the dealer to see if they can get you a code from your serial number, locate the card that came in the owners manual with the code on it, or remove the stereo to get the serial number from the chassis
Do you know the serial number is you have it take it to the court house and do a search on it
The Serial number on logitech mouse is below it.
Check the receiver and barrel.
Call a dealer.
Barrel, frame
what is the serial number of city car driving
Impossible to do for a civilian.
The serial number on a Gruen watch is typically located on the back of the watch case. You may need to use a magnifying glass to locate and read the serial number, as it can be small. The serial number can help determine the age and authenticity of the watch.
You will have to remove the stereo unless you have the box, which is not a possibility, since the radio unit comes pre-fit from Ford. 1. Remove stereo from car. 2. On the right hand side of the unit, locate the serial number label.
The eight digit of your serial number