If the plastic portion you grip is grey in color on the original you had or have now, that's pretty much a dead giveaway that yes you do have a coded chip key. To be sure just go to Walmart auto department where they make keys. They can test it and tell you if it has a chip.
You will know if your car key has a chip in it by checking your vehicle's owners manual. You can also check with the dealership where you purchased the car. You cannot tell by the appearance of the key.
Car Key Replacement,Car Lockout,Key Programming,Transponder Chip Keys,Car Ignition Repair,Keyless Entry Remotes,Automotive Locksmith,Car lockout / opening,New Ignition key,Transponder Chip Key.
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chip car key Fob Keys key broken off key stuck automotive key extraction car key maker
When it doesn't open your door.
no not at all
your car will not start
trunk opening chip car key Fob Keys key broken off key stuck automotive key extraction car key maker
trunk opening chip car key Fob Keys key broken off key stuck automotive key extraction car key maker
If the car has a computer chip on the key, then the key area around the chip contact is worn and the key needs to be replaced. Hope this helps
Car Key Replacement Ignition Key Transponder Chip Key Rekey Locks Car Keys Made Car Lockout Keyless Entry Remotes
if you have a chip in your key then the chip is bad