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The insurance company should e.mail you all the details of the policy make sure to print them. If you can,t print them write down insurers name and your policy number

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Q: How do you know if your car is insured online?
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How d0 you find out if a car is insured?

if you dont already know..then its probably not insured..

Can insured person drive an uninsured car?

We need to know what he's insured for. If he's insured to drive the car, then yes. If he's insured with life insurance, then no. But normally it's the car that carries the insurance.

I need to know if my car is insured?

Just call the insurance company that you paid for the insurance. They can let you know if your still covered. If you have not purchased insurance then obviously you are not insured.

What is the penalty for driving your bosses car if it is not insured?

If you are driving the car, then you are officially liable for driving without proof of insurance, but most police will be understanding if you are driving a company car that you didn't know was insured.

Is the car insured if you just bought it?

A new car is not insured unless you insured it. You can insure a car before you pick it up, but if you don't it isn't insured.

How can you find out if your car is insured?

Your car is not insured unless you purchase insurance for it.

If a uninsured car is parked and hit by an insured car will the insured cars insurance company pay for damages?

Only if the insured car was at fault.

Can you be insured if you are legally blind but still own the car?

Yes, I know of just such a case.

Who is responsible for an accident when car is not insured?

Whether the car is insured is not important, the point is who was at fault in causing the accident, it could be the person whose car is insured that is at fault.

If a car is registered and insured in a new residence state can the car still be insured and registered in the old state just in case you move back?

not in any state or thru any insurance company I know of.

Are teens automatically insured to parents car?

They are insured as passengers they are not insured to drive it

Can you drive a car that has insurance but not under your name?

If you're liscensed, and have permission from the person under which the car is insured, you are able to drive the car if it is insured even if you yourself are not insured