To find wether your car is burning our or leaking it, clean off area around where gasket(seal) should be. If the area is leaking it obveously will no onger be clean.
To check if your car is burning oil start the vehicle and if the exuast fumes are black its most likely oil seeping into the cylinder from a damaged gasket or damaged cylinder head or block. To fix buy new head gasket(make sure to get correct model and fit). before attempting to put on that is if you do it yourself. compare the old gasket to the origional.
If you get blue smoke its most likely coolant leaking into the cylinder and combusting with the fuel/air mixture.
oil leaking on the ex man fold need to fix the oil leaks
Either it is leaking out of the engine, or the piston rings/ valve seals are shot and the engine is burning oil.
I do not know what an inter tie is. Are you sure this is what you were told? You can have a oil leak without is dripping to the floor. It may be leaking on the exhaust and burning away. You would however see smoke when you shut the engine off.
Your engine is either leaking oil, which is easy to detect, or it is burning oil due to worn parts.
There are only two ways to lose oil: leaking or burning. If it's not leaking, it's burning.
If a motor is burning oil it means the rings and seals on the pistons are worn. Are you sure it's burning oil and not just leaking oil? Check your motor for leaking oil clean the engine. Cover your alternator with plastic and use degreaser to clean it. Once it's clean run the motor and look for leaking oil from the valve covers, from the head(s) and head gasket(s), from the oil pan and drain plug and from an oil cooler and oil cooler hose ( if your vehicle has one). If your vehicle is burning oil it will show up at your exhaust pipe as oozing black sticky stuff. Hopefully it isn't burning oil because if it is you need to have your motor rebuilt.
Oil in vehicles is typically not consumed within the engine, what is in the engine is cycled through, unless of course your engine is burning or leaking oil. Most passenger cars though run on 4 to 5 quarts of oil.
Leaking? Burning due to wear of internal engine parts valves or rings
Could be burning it at such a slow rate not showing smoke Could be leaking on hot part of engine and burning off How much is it consuming?
It is leaking oil or burning it.
It depends on why it is leaking.
When a car begins belching smoke, it is probably burning excess oil or gas. It is likely that a seal is leaking in the engine.