just slap or shoot bug spray on it and that doesnt work flick it off
No..... your shoe will stink bad for the rest of the day
Well if you are wanting to kill a lady bug, I don't think it is going to matter if it is non-toxic or not. You can smush them with your foot. You might try one of those sticky things that hang down that you can use to catch flies with.
Bug spray. Bug spray.
bug spray or a shoe, get them, if youre infested, then spray bug spray around the house.
There are many ways to kill bugs.squish it,use bug spray,flush it down the toilet,step on it,let a pet kill it,fry it ,electrify it(there are electric tennis rackets)and drown it(put the bug in water ant put something heavy on top of the bug).
Kill it
Some bugs do .Some bugs can eat a bug ,like the praying mantis.
no bug is not the killer his best friend Alex is but Alex still had his own soul in his body bug had to kill alex so he could kill the ripper.
Kill them, kill them all