You pay off the car and obtain a paid receipt. Alternatively, you make payment arrangements with the dealer or return your car to them yourself. Hiding the car and so on just prolongs the agony.
Call the repo guys OR the lender.
repo is taking somthing away like the repo man in the new movie repo! the genetic opera theres an organ repo man who takes away peoples organs
I thik it's both but it's mostly to keep them away.
keep up your payments
they can either repo the car, and you won't get into trouble, or they could find you and the car and there is a chance that you will go to a county jail for 2 to 30 days.AnswerFirst of the repo guys are not "authorities" they represent the bank that's it.They cannot have you arrested and you will not go to jail Repo guys like to scare you with that kind of crap.Look at it this way don't you think the repo guys (some of the laziest people around)would have the cops do their job for them if they could???This is a civil matter not crimminal!!!!! Cops deal with crimminal !
An officer can be called to keep the peace. Otherwise, a repo is a civil issue.
NO. Have him arrested if he did that. _____ Sue the lender/bank do not waste your time with the Repo guys; they are agents of the bank so the bank is responsible for their conduct.
drive it away
Guys tend to make promises they just can't keep. They make promises to make their girlfriends or wives happy then they realize they cant possibly keep it. Then there is always the occasional guy who just wants to ruin someone's life (has happend to me before). But on any circumstance guys will be guys and guys will do what they want and what they can get away with. Hope this helps. :) -(minti321)
Your best bet is to sign up with a forwarding company like Par or a directory service (click the link below). They will help you get found by the banks that are looking for new repo companies.
yep. the repo man can just get in it and go. they have the resources to make keys and they most of the time have blank keys they ise to break in. so there is no safe way to keep the repo man away. just turn it in so your credit doesnt get totally destoyed
No, the creditor is going to wonder where it is.