First, make sure the replacement lines are an EXACT match to the ones being replaced - this is crucial. From there, it's a simple matter of disconnecting the female fittings on each end with usually a 7/8" wrench, cleaning the threads on the male end, applying some liquid thread seal, reconnecting the new line in the same fashion, and using zip ties to secure it in a manner to where it won't rub against anything else.
How to Install Front Brake Pads check related link below
You will have to stretch the frame, fuel lines, brake lines, wiring and the driveshaft. This should be done by a qualified technician. Probably cheaper to just buy a long bed truck.
air coming out of the brake lines... that is if its a truck. if you aply the parking brake.
changing front brake pads on 1991 Toyota truck
where location of brake light switch on 1989 chev, truck.
They are what's used to connect the trailer to the trailer supply air lines.
go to sears
You will need to remove the tire and wheel from your 1995 Chevy Cheyenne. Remove the brake assembly. Tap on the rotor with a hammer or mallet. The brake rotor will slide off. Reverse the process to install the new brake rotor.
You should place or install a placard along your truck, on the sides, or the front.
To install new brake pads on this truck, you will need several items. You will need blocks for the tires, a jack, a lug wrench, a socket set, jack stands, and some grease.
located at the upper end of the brake pedal under dash area
These are simple bolt-on parts, there is no special procedure to install them.