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This issue has been covered by other posts, but here you go... Your factory way is to run it through the oil pressure sensor. That way it only supplies power when the engine is running. The sensor just a simple switch in older models. That way the choke doesn't draw power if you leave the key in the on position with the engine not running. Most people will tell you just to run it to the ignition panel under the dash (which is fine with its own fuse). You will just have to remember that this way will always add to draining the battery in the event your just sitting there listening to the radio. In no way should you run it to the accessory side of the switch, like the heater, wipers or radio circuit, they do not provide power in the "key start position" add would not at all help you get it starting on a cold night.

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Q: How do you install electric choke wiring to 350 engine?
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When is the choke used?

Choke is used generally in cold weather to prime the engine generally in carborated engine in hot weather choke is not needed however in newer fuel injections the choke is all electric and has no user control

What are the two wires connected to on the carburetor of a 305 Chevy engine?

probably your electric choke . take note the electric choke of these caburator are activates when there is no courant and disactivated when there is courant

When is the used?

Choke is used generally in cold weather to prime the engine generally in carborated engine in hot weather choke is not needed however in newer fuel injections the choke is all electric and has no user control

What is electric choke?

The choke enriches the mixture for start-up and then is heated by a small electrical heating coil so the choke goes off when the engine is at operating temperature.

How does the choke relay work on a 1981 Toyota corona?

the purpose of the choke relay is to supply power to the choke heater ONLY when the engine is running; otherwise if you left the key in the run position but the engine wasn't running the choke would open up even though the engine wasn't warmed up. then when you tried to start it, it wouldn't start because no choke. the control circuit for the relay usually comes off of the back of the alternator triad winding (alternator not turning=engine not running). without looking at a wiring diagram i can't tell you the details of the wiring but that's the idea of it- engine running turns relay on and sends power to choke heater and slowly opens up choke; key on but engine not running means relay is off and no power to choke heater. if the relay is not working, then no power will go to choke heater and the choke will stay on too long (or if ambient temps. are low it may stay on all the time). fast idle will stay on also as it is hooked up to choke linkage.

Show you the wiring diagram of tube light fitting with electronic choke?

wiring diagram of electronic choke in tube light

Is an electronic choke the same as fuel injection?

No. A choke controls the amount of airflow through a carburetor. Fuel injection is the mechanical control of the fuel getting sprayed into the engine, usually through an electric injector.

What is the spark plug gap for a 1971 Chevy Chevelle electric choke 305 engine?

thirty five thousandths

Where can you get a wiring diagram for a 1982 Dodge D150?

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Where is the choke on a 1990 Jeep Wrangler?

there is no choke its got an electric choke on the carb

Switching manual carb to electric?

That is Not a good idea as you will need a computor,wiring harness,distributor and new carburator. The cost does Not justify it. yes you can put an electric choke carb on your engine with no problem, Edelbrock sells them and all you need is a hot wire from the ignition run to the carb and a ground wire, very simple operation.