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The better machine shops can drill and tap the crank for you. Might be cheaper to buy a newer crank.

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Q: How do you install balancer small block Chevy crank snout not drilled?
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That means the timing chain and gears are worn out / to loose.

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How do you replace the harmonic balancer on a Chevy small block?

There is a bolt in the center of it, 5/8ths inch. Remove that, then the three 9/16ths bolts in a triangle pattern, which removes the pulley. Then, you will need a harmonic balancer puller, as they are pressed on.

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Is the keyway on a small block Chevy at 0 degrees?

This is a good question. Yes, the keyway, is accurate. What is not, is the balancer. After 74, the balancer keyway is offset, from the timing mark. Any harmonic balancer you use, look to see where the keyway is, compared to the hash mark on it. Make sure they line up.

How do you install a harmonic balancer on a small block Chevy engine?

Slide the balancer on the crankshaft snout as far as you can by hand, then put a harmonic balancer installation tool in and crank it down until it bottoms out. If you can't afford to buy the tool, you can make one with a piece of 1/2-20 threaded rod, a nut, and some big thick washers. Put grease between the washers so they will slip easily while you're tightening the nut.