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If the vehicle does not have an overdrive, then realistically, you can not.

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Q: How do you install an overdrive switch?
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Install an overdrive lockout switch on 01 caravan?

You should just pull the shifter into the "3" position and it will never shift into overdrive.

2010 Hyundai Sonata have a overdrive switch?

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What would cause your overdrive switch to not work on a 1995 Mazda Protege when passing a car and the overdrive switch is off it won't automatically shift down to accelerate?

If the overdrive switch is turned off then the car will not go into overdrive. As it is not in overdrive, then it will not downshift out of overdrive as it normally would. It also will not shift to 3rd gear above a certain factory preset speed. Turn th overdrive on and see if it operates normally.

Where is the switch for the overdrive in the Isuzu Rodeo?

There is no overdrive, per se, but a mode switch called "Power Mode" that doubles as an overdrive, allowing more RPMs per gear.

Where is the overdrive switch on a 1989 Chevy Celebrity?

There is no separate switch for the overdrive, simply put the gear selector in the overdrive position. It looks like a D inside a square. Not all Chevy Celebrities have the overdrive feature, it was an extra cost option.

On a 1994 Mazda 626 How do get the button on the shifter to switch back over to automatic from overdrive it is stuck in overdrive and when you push the button it won't switch back?

The button does not switch from Overdrive to Automatic. The button just turns the overdrive off. Overdrive is not a separate drive system as your question implies. Normally you leave the car in overdrive mode. That way the transmission shifts into overdrive at highway speeds, thus saving fuel. If you are saying the transmission is stuck in overdrive and it will not disengage then seek out a A/T professional.

Where is the overdrive cancel switch on 2008 Toyota 4runner v8 limited located?

There is no "switch". To cancel overdrive move the gear lever from "D" to "4".

Where is the fuse for overdrive on 1990 ford e150 van?

the fuse is in the dash behind the overdrive switch

What can be wrong if you can't get the overdrive to come off?

Take it in. There is either a problem with your transmission or with the overdrive switch itself. Overdrive switch should be a lot cheaper to fix. I'm assuming the light not only goes on, but the overdrive physically turns off as well when the light is on.

Location of transmission overdrive switch 1996 ford windstar?

The overdrive ON / OFF switch is located on the end of your gearshift lever ( P R N etc. )

Overdrive on off button on shift lever does not turn off overdrive?

bad fuse or bad switch

Where is the overdrive switch located in the Nissan Altima?
