well for an automatic trans there isn't much to it. apart from lining up the transmission and engine and bolting them together there is just oil cooler lines that need to be routed to the oil rad. and the speed sensor near the output end of the tranny needs to be hooked up. Dip stick needs to be attached and secured to bolt between engine and tranny. Tran needs to be filled with oil ran and filled again.
Most Likely Out Of Time.
160 to 165 if it is a truck.
You don't, it's blasphemy...
you should of read the mannuel
No you can not.
install shift kit by removing trans or drop pan and install upgraded solnoids in valve body
No, use only Mopar ATF+4.
You have to remove the trans.
All you can do in your driveway is drop the trans pan, replace the trans filter, replace the trans pan gasket, install pan (no gasket sealer needed or required!) and refill what fluid drained out in the process which is aprox half of the fluid the trans holds. Take it to a trans shop if you want a complete fluid change. They will have the equipment to do a trans flush.
it can be done but is not easy. must install a man trans run linkage from steering column to floor and install stick shift.
Yes, but you will need to change the shift Governor. This is located in the rear of the trans. Dome cover held on by spring type clip. Pull whole unit out and install in other trans.
The only way to change the filter is to remove the trans, take the trans apart, assembling with new gasket, the best fix for this is to install an inline filter.