you'd need to install 5 more wheels and make 6 wheels driving wheels.
A Pug, or Peugeot, 106 can be purchased second-hand via Auto Trader or advertisements in one's local newspaper. It is not possible to purchase a brand new Peugeot 106 as production ceased in 2004.
turn wiper stalk
The easieast way and probably the safest to buy an adapter from 6x9 to 6x8. Also you can cut out a form from a acrylic sheet so you can fill out empty space between speaker and a deck and install speaker with 4 screws.
Larger speakers, such as a 6x9 unit, require little modification to fit. A 6x9 unit can still be mounted without any cuts to the back. Plug the speakers in to the wiring harness and tighten the mounting screws for the speakers.
i wouldn't try it just buy a pair of 6x8s
hi i have a pug 106 independance an the power steering pump is located just behind the front bumper on the passengers side
well the rear speakers in a 94 Camry are 6x9 speakers and u can get after market 6x9 speakers at common large stores like BESTBUY ... anyways when u buy 6x9 speakers at bestbuy they install them for an additional $55 appx. good luck
Yes, they do.
You might check to see if your front headlight bulbs are out.
Well...I have Pug 106 1.4 Turbo Diesel...I'd say around 48-55miles per gallon.
I am in the process of changing my speakers and the rear are 6x9 inches and the front are 6.5 I dont think it has more speakers EDIT: Also i forgot to mention that u can install 5.25 inches speakers at the back as well. So you can install either 6x9's or 5.25's whichever u like.