The water will be at the bottom of the gas tank, typically near where the outlet to the engine is; so disconnect the outlet hose at this point, and allow water to drain until gas is coming from the hose. Then get some "gas dryer" at the parts store, and add an appropriate amount to the tank to mop up the water under this outlet.
The only way to know for sure if a person has water in the gas tank is to drain the tank. Usually a car will sputter and die if there is water in the tank.
remove the fuel tank and drain the water
What will happen if water gets inside gas tank
skipping stall no start
bubbles on top of gas in tank
Water is heavier than gasoline, it will pool at the lowest point of the fuel tank.
Have you tried using gas line antifreeze? That will help to remove some of the water in the gas. The best way to make certain all the water is out of the tank is to siphon the gas out, let the tank air out and re-fill the tank with gas from a station you know does not have water in the gas.
Yes, water is heavier than gas.
Remove the tank from the car.
depends on how much water if its alot you can do one of two things drain the tank or add alot of dry gas more water more dry gas
No, isopropyl alcohol in a gas tank cannot effectively eliminate water contamination.