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my husban died can i sign a car title in my name to sell it.

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Q: How do you get title in my name after husband dies?
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Related questions

What happen if husband dies and owes on his car Wifes name is not on the title?

She would now owe on the car. She inherits everything.

Who owns car if husband dies and both husband and wife on car title?

Still the wife.

Can you be on title but not on the loan?

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Can I trade husband's car?

Not if your name isn't on the title.

Does a will over rule a deed or title?

No, a will not over rule a deed or title. For example, if a husband and wife are married and their car is in the wife's name alone, the dead husband's will not overrule the title.

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what happens if your husband dies and i am on deed,but not on i responsible for the loan and do i keep the house/

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What is a wife called when husband dies?

A husband is called a WIDOWER when his wife dies.

When a husband dies the remaining wife is called a what?

When a husband dies the wife is called his widow.

If your husband gets a loan for a truck in his name only will you be responsible for the debt if he dies?

no if you did not sign anything

Can i wife sign the title if I sold an auto in Nebraska to an individual but my husband's name is on title and does he have to be present to sign title?

The person or persons whose name is on the title must be the one who signs the title. In some states this signature must be notarized.

Can you use previous last name after husband dies?

A widow is free to revert to her maiden name if she wishes. In general, people can have the name they want.