Napa auto parts sells them for 130.00 are so.
Buy a rebuild kit at auto parts - comes with instructions
The 1979 Chevrolet distributor to the dashboard wiring diagram can be obtained from most Chevrolet dealerships. The wiring diagram can also be found at many auto-parts stores.
A parts store or on a car at car shows. Old auto repair books.
Here is a link to Auto zone. Hope this helps you.
The diagram, for the 1992 5.7 liter distributor And wires, can be obtained from most Chevrolet dealerships. The diagram can also be found at most auto-parts stores.
Check the distributor "pickup" assembly. That will be the little assembly inside the distributor that is in close proximity to the star wheel. You may be able to remove the assembly and have it tested at your local auto parts retailer.
no, but you can buy the repair manuel at a auto store ( try chiltons repair manuel. for your model)
Any GM dealer, any GM warehousing distributor, almost any auto parts store, most catalog outlets.
Now a days the base price of a 1980 Chevy Luv depends the condition of the body, if its two wheel or four wheel drive. Also it depends if its auto or manual. If its two wheel its about $500. But if its four wheel drive its about $1,000.
chances are if there is no spark then the ignition module inside the distributor needs to be replaced as far as checking it goes just pop the module out and autozone or advance auto may be able to tell u where to take it to have it tested
The electronic control module for the 1986 Chevy S10 (6 cyc) is located under the rotor on the distributor. You have to remove the distributor cap and then the rotor to gain access. There are electrical connections on both ends that must be disconnected. The ECM can be checked at an an auto parts store to see if it is defective before purchasing a replacement (about $25).