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Q: How do you get rid of Trojan Downloader GG gen in C Windows TEMP restore?
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How do you remove virus called Trojan Horse Downloader Small 6 1 found in C Restore Temp A0032477 cpy?

Try using Trojan Remover from The Trojan Remover didn't find the Trojan on my PC but was the only program I found that would actually delete the file.

How do you erase a trojanhorse that is deeply rooted in a computer and will not deleted or quarantined it says its in the c: restore-temp and it keeps making copies of its self?

To remove the Trojan from C:restore-temp You need to delete your restore files. The best thing to do is a system restore. If you do not have a safe restore point, Just delete the restore files.You can do this by going to My Computer properties (System Properties) select System Restore tab and check turn off system restore, click apply. Now your restore files together with the Trojan will be removed. Now turn on System Restore again. Could you please give the Trojan name?

How do you get rid of Java Byteverify Trojan virus from Windows temp file when antivirus and spy ware warn of it but cannot find it?

Always Keep Deleting All files from your Temp Folder that is located in c:\windows\temp By this you may get rid of any virus, otherwise attempt an online scan by going to Regards Nauman Turn off System Restore, delete all cookies and temp files, restart your computer, run AVG, and then remove the virus, restart. Turn System Restore back on and restart.

How do you remove Trojan horse Downloader b from your C drive under WINNT system 32 bridge dll?

On Windows XP: Restart windows in safe mode (press F8 after 2nd boot screen), then: 1. browse to c:\windows\system32 and search and delete bridge.dll 2. browse to c:\documents and settings\YOURUSERNAME\local settings\temp and delete all files restart windows in normal mode.

How do you remove Trojan downloader comet b?

Use AVG antivirus program and keep updated on internet.The latest version is AVG 7, but AVG 6 will work. Do a complete scan: the Tropjan will be detected and cleaned away. I recently acquired this file and successfully removed it (from Windows\Temp\ICD1.TMP\DMPROXY.DLL)

How do you remove Trojan horse Downloader Turown H from Windows 98SE?

Remove Downloader Turown HI found the Downloader.Turown.H inside the file Iedriver.exe. Iedriver.exe was inside the file abcA0F1.exe, wich was in c:\Windows\Temp directory. My Windows is the 98E.abcA0F1.exe is a winzip file. Rename this file to and click in it. Winzip will show you 12 files, including Iedriver.exe.By the way, my anti-virus is AVG 6.After doing a copy of abcA0F1.exe in a 3 1/2 disquette, I deleted it from the HD.AVG did not find any virus in my computer.

How do you remove Trojan downloader from your Temp Internet Files folder?

Just delete temporary internet files by clicking Delete file Button in the Internet Options (Tools>Internet Options) If you find this info useful, please vote

How do you get rid of Trojan horse downloader stubby B?

I found this Trojan with my AVG V7 and it could not heal or remove it. AVG did identify it as being embeded in the file "D:\Temp\\Sentry.exe"I can't save if this would be advisable for everyone to do but I deleted the "" and it hasn't turned back up in the past few days nor does there seem to be any adverse affect on my PC from the deletion.

How do you remove Trojan Horse Downloader PurityScan B in c DOCUME 1 JOHNWH 1 LOCALS 1 Temp rs exe if the file can not be found?

Run the free antivirus utility, AVG Anti-Virus System - Free Edition. Available at

Where is the temp folder in Windows Vista?

Look in the Windows folder, it is in there.

How do you get rid of Trojan Downloader Dyfica AK when neither NOD32 or AVG is able to delete it?

just follow the path it gives you on details in avg clickin on the folders it shows you in order till you reach the last file (don't click the last one) then delete the last file it gives you (you should turn off system restore before doing this because it likes to hide in your driver file and your temporary internet files also delete all your temp internet files they are unneeded and like to hide trojans :) you can also run this program free Trojan tracker just download and run it :)

What is the meaning of word temp when you type it in run option of start menu?

temp in the run command box causes windows explorer to open showing the contents of the windows\temp directory.