I don't really know, but ask at a hard where store.
20 oz max on basic 20 - 22 inch cut mowers
Lawn mower engines are very basic, low technology machines. They are designed to work on very simple fuels. It is unlikely that any additions would be help to this type of engine.
You can down load one on your PC. You can "Google" for it as mentioned above, or you can try these two websites: manualsonline.com or managemylife.com and click on manuals
Max Black was born in 1909.
Max Black died in 1988.
Who makes black max weed eaters
Ground speed is matched to the engines ability to maintain speed while cutting grass. Smaller engines will bog down quicker and if the blade is not spinning at max speed the grass will not be cut properly
engines in a black max are made buy honda
20-22 ich cut...... 20 fl oz max
Autozone or Advance parts