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Such resources are typically reserved for law enforcement and other appropriate govrnment agencies - not the general public.

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Q: How do you get owner info from license plate?
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Do police know if your car is registered to an unliscensed driver?

They can find that info out by running the plate number and then, when the owner i sdisplayed, running the name of the owner. The owner of a vehicle does not have to have a license.

Do I keep my license plate when I sell my car?

No, you typically do not keep your license plate when you sell your car. The license plate is usually transferred to the new owner along with the vehicle.

Finding owner of a vehicle by the license plate?

r685 bwk


The state actually owns the license plate itself. As for the owner of the vehicle the plate is attached to, that's not for you to know.

How do you trace car owner by vehicle license plate number?

You don't.

Who is the Vehicle Owner with license plate FEB 169?

Gerard Arenas

Do you take the license plate when selling a car?

Yes, when selling a car, it is important to remove the license plate before transferring ownership to the new owner.

What is the replacement bulb for license plate on a 2001 Ford Focus?

The 2001 Ford Focus Owner Guide shows : ( C-5W , license plate lamp )

Find Owner of 1997 Ford with license plate 5J98507?

License Plate data is considered private and cannot be released to the public. If the vehicle has committed an offense, the plate should be reported to police.

How do you get info on a person with license plate info only?

Accessing personal information based on license plate information is typically restricted and requires authorization from law enforcement or government agencies with access to databases such as the Department of Motor Vehicles. It is important to respect individuals' privacy and rights when seeking information about them.

Can a kid register for a license plate?

Only if you are the legal owner of the vehicle you wish to register.

Will your auto plate tell police your license is suspended?

If you are the Registered Owner "RO" then yes it will.