Space but i think only in free i do not now if i occures but i now about free mode
It's not really a button, but the only way to get out of your gangster life is by pulling the trigger
the control to get in a car is space
press space bar
Yes it is a Gangster car- GTI stands for Gangster Turbo Intercourse!
you get out of you car by doing free mode the code is DEATHS and when ever you press space your gangster gets out of the car
Yes! Walk up to a car and press space like you would to get in your car/Hummer
How much is the gangster grin hotwheels car worth
while in a game press pause and enter gangster life
the password for the free mission in gangster life is "DEATHS"
gangster amnesia is when i think you are really trying to be a gangster and you are going to mess with it and also you just want to be that for your whole entire life.
Its easy. get to your car drive on them, and if you have enough points buy a pistol or machine gun(you can use the machine gun inside your car) from the armory( Which is found southeast of the map)