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There are a few ways to get locking lug nuts off a car without a key. First is by hammering on a socket that's slightly smaller than the lug nut. Once its hammered on tightly, use a breaker bar and turn the lug nut. Keep in mind, this method will render both the socket AND the lug nut useless, due to them being crammed together. Another method, and the most safe, is to go to a local wheel and tire shop and see if they have a Master Key Set. I did this personally and had to pay $100 to get 16 locking lugs off a Honda Civic. The final way to get it done that i know of, is to contact the manufacturer of the lock set and buy a new key. There is a tool out there - a socket rather - called the Gator Grip Universal Socket. There are two different sizes, one in 3/8" drive and one in 1/2" drive, and you may be able to fit one of those on with a ratchet or torque wrench and get the lock lug off. It's a shot in the dark, as it won't fit on every vehicle or lug due to clearances.

*Update to this last suggestion* I have tried the Gator Grip on a few lugs, and EVERY one of them broke the inner pins inside the socket. These sockets are not designed to be heavily torqued and should NOT be used on lug nuts or any other nut/bolt that has over 25 ft lbs. of torque. I went through 3 of these sockets, thinking maybe i bought a weak one, or a poorly assembled one, but they just aren't designed for this usage.

The LAST RESORT way is to take a blow torch to the lugs. If you know what your doing with a blow torch, then you should be able to melt the lug nut and enough of the stud to break it off. Once this is done, remove the wheel (this method will also certainly damage the wheel if its not done correctly and VERY carefully) and install new studs into the rotor. Again, this is to be considered as a LAST DITCH EFFORT, and only should be done if EVERYTHING else fails, the chances of damaging the wheel, brake rotor/drum, and other KEY components of your wheel assembly is extremely high, ALMOST to the point of certainty.

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