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You should be able to get insurance on the car no matter who it is registered to. If the company asks paperwork all you should have to do is tell them its in your parents name. Everytime I've gotten insurance I don't think I've ever had anyone ask for more than the VIN number and a car inspection and money.

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Q: How do you get insurance if you are the primary driver for a car registered in your parent's name in another state?
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If parents are divorced which insurance is primary?

I think the wife's insurance is primary.

Do you have to be added to your parents insurance policy if you are primary driver of one of their vehicles and you have insurance policy of your own?

yes, simple as that.

Who has primary insurance coverage for a dependent child when both parents have coverage?

The parent who was born first in the year. In other words if the mom was born in June and the father was born in July, then the primary insurance would be covered by the mother. This also applies to both parents being born in the same month. Whoever was born first is the primary holder of the insurance.

Can your son drive your car if it is only registered and insured in your name in Arizona?

Yes. Insurance follows the car not the operator. If your son has insurance, you and your vehicles' insurance would be primary (if he were operating your vehicle), and his would be excess if your coverage is exhausted.

What is the birthday rule for insurance?

Parents, whose birthday month falls first in the year is the primary payers

Is it legal to purchase auto insurance for a car that is registered in another state?

Well, probably. However the state you are living in may have a law that gives you a limited amount of time the register your car in that state. If at all possible I would get your vehicle registered in the state of your primary residence unless you maintain houses in both states.

Do you have to be a registered democrat to vote in the Indiana democratic primary?

No, you don't have to be a registered democrat to vote in the primary.

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person's car in California?

Their insurance would be primary and your insurance would be secondary, generally speaking.

If you have insurance on your car from another state what happens if you do not change the insurance to the new state you live and work in?

If you have made this new State your primary residence state, your insurance company may require after one year that you register your car and your license in your new state. The auto insurance should follow the registered state, and if you are a permanent resident, then you should register your car and re-write a new auto policy for that state.

Can your daughters change their primary insurance to another parents' plan as the primary at any time?

When your daughters attain the age of 26, they will have to obtain seperate policy of their own and cannot switch over to another parent's plan.Even when they are having seperate income, they cannot be treated as Assured with Proposer being Father/Mother or legal guardian.

Are you responsbile for keeping insurance on a car titled in your name but you are not the primary driver?

As the registered owner you can be held responsible and financially liable for the actions of the drivers you allow to operate your vehicle. It would therefore be advisable to maintain your auto insurance.

In Arizona can a registered Democrat vote Republican in the primary elections?

During the Primary a registered Democrat cannot even go to the Republican primary, but you can vote Republican in the election.